Student Union Policies and Procedures

Student Leadership and Engagement has created a set of policies and procedures for the Campbell Student Union. It is the expectation that the students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the building follow these protocols to ensure normal daily operations and to maintain the health and safety of our community.

Campbell Student Union Posting Policy

Student Organizations and On-Campus Departments

Organizations and on-campus departments wishing to post information/advertisements in the Campbell Student Union will adhere to the following:

  • Flyers/advertisements will only be accepted if they are promoting registered organizations and/or college-approved/sanctioned events
  • Flyers may not exceed 11”x17” in size
  • Each flyer posted must include the name of the sponsoring organization
  • Flyers in a language other than English must have a readable English translation
  • Postings are not allowed in any restrooms, on any wood, concrete, windows, or painted surfaces
  • Up to 5 copies of a flyer or advertisement can be dropped off to the Campbell Student Union Welcome Center during regular business hours
  • Flyers will be reviewed and hung by Campbell Student Union staff
  • Approved flyers will be posted within 24 hours of receipt

Non-university related advertisements

  • Any organization not affiliated with Buffalo State University may utilize our community board in the North Hall of the Student Union (near room 232). 
  • Printed Materials (Quarter sheets/handouts/table tents, etc)
  • Quarter sheets and other handouts may be presented to individuals, if they accept them, from an organization with a table reservation.  Table tents, quarter sheets, and/or handouts may not be left on tables or other surfaces in the building.
  • Any posting that violates the above regulations or is deemed inappropriate may be removed and disposed of immediately at the discretion of the Campbell Student Union staff.

Campbell Student Union Technology, Audio, Visual Guidelines

Social Hall

  • Appropriate fees will be charged for any additional equipment or technology needs. The Campbell Student Union provides sound, microphones, lighting, and use of the projector.
  • Events requesting the use of outside technology must notify the Campbell Student Union at least 30 days prior to an event. All requests will be reviewed by the Campbell Student Union. If a request is approved, it is the responsibility of the host organization to make arrangements
  • All invited performers and DJs are required to use Buffalo State’s sound system. Buffalo State reserves the right to control sound levels of all devices during use. The Social Hall is the only reservable space in the Campbell Student Union where the use of DJs are allowed. All performers must be vetted and complete a background check through Buffalo State prior to an event.
  • Groups are providing all presentation materials on a USB drive at least 2 business days prior to an event.
  • The Campbell Student Union is not responsible for the content of presentation materials. All content delivered needs to fall within Buffalo State's guidelines of free speech.
  • The Social Hall is not equipped for teleconferencing or live stream capabilities. 
  • Only Campbell Student Union staff are allowed in the sound booth at all times.
  • Student Leadership and Engagement is no longer able to offer multiple custom lighting options for individual events held in the Campbell Student Union Social Hall. Moving forward, campus departments and student organizations will be limited to one pre-set lighting option for each event with limited customization. 

Assembly Hall

  • The Campbell Student Union provides sound, microphones (for full Assembly Hall only), and use of the projector. Appropriate fees will be charged for any additional equipment or technology needs.
  • The Assembly Hall is not equipped for teleconferencing or live stream capabilities. 
  • Outside sound or lighting is strictly prohibited.

4th Floor Conference Rooms

All conference rooms are equipped with network connected computers, basic audio/visual needs, teleconference capabilities.

Upper/Lower Lobby

  • Only Campbell Student Union sound equipment is permitted. The use of external sound and amplification devices are strictly prohibited.
  • Any requests for audio/visual needs in the upper/lower lobby must be requested to Campbell Student Union staff for approval.

Catering, Food, and Beverage Guidelines

  • All internal and external groups are required to follow Erie County’s guidelines for food safety. Please see Erie Country’s Guidelines for Temporary Food Stands for more information.
  • Any outside vendor must be registered with the Erie County Department of Health. The host organization and outside vendors are responsible for adhering to food safety guidelines and proper cleanup of space after an event occurs. The Campbell Student Union is not responsible for the preparation or cleanup of outside vendors. Outside vendors are required to provide copy of health permit and certificate of insurance.
  • Chartwells is the preferred catering provider for the Campbell Student Union and provide linen services and dinnerware for events. Use of dinnerware from Bengal Kitchen or retail dining is strictly prohibited.
  • Please be aware there is not heating or refrigeration services for outside caterers. Additionally, they do not have access to kitchens or food preparation space in the Campbell Student Union.
  • While the Campbell Student Union can provide tables and chairs, it does NOT supply linens, dinnerware, or beverage services. If you are using a caterer be sure to communicate your needs to them. Otherwise you will need to provide these items on your own.
  • All internal and external groups are required to adhere to Buffalo State’s Alcoholic Beverages Policy.

Alcoholic Beverages Policy

The college community is subject to state and local usage laws.  Specifically, the laws of New York State prohibit anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing alcohol.  Furthermore, it is against the law to serve an underage or intoxicated person.  These guidelines are designed to recognize current law and to help the campus community apply the law as we plan and conduct programs.  Each member of the campus community must take responsibility for obeying the law.

Alcoholic beverages may be sold on campus only by licensed and insured vendors as provided in these guidelines.

Open alcoholic beverage containers are prohibited in all outdoor and indoor areas of the campus except as provided below.  Bringing alcoholic beverages to any event is prohibited.

Residence hall students who are 21 or over may consume alcoholic beverages in their living areas.  All other residence hall areas shall be alcohol-free.

Campus departments and sponsored campus/community groups may serve alcoholic beverages under the condition that at least one faculty or staff person shall supervise the event to ensure compliance with state and local laws and the university's alcohol guidelines. Please complete the request form located HERE

The United Students’ Government shall forward approved major student events where alcohol will be sold to the dean of students for review of the qualifications of potential alcohol vendors and approval of the planned use of alcohol. Please complete the request form HERE

Whenever alcoholic beverages are served, non-alcoholic beverages and food shall also be made available.

Alcoholic beverages may be served only in conjunction with the program.  They shall not be used as the main attraction of the event.

Students who unlawfully use, possess, manufacture, or distribute alcohol will be subject to the university's due process disciplinary procedures as published in the Student Handbook and distributed once a year in the Record.  Penalties may include probation, suspension, expulsion, and referral for criminal prosecution.

The Alcoholic Beverage Control Act provides a penalty of $50 per offense for any person under the age of 21 who is in possession of an alcoholic beverage with the intent to consume it.  A person under the age of 21 who presents falsified or fraudulently altered proof of age for the purpose of purchasing, or attempting to purchase, alcoholic beverages is guilty of a violation of the act and is subject to a one year probationary period and fine.  A person who uses a falsified driver’s license for the purpose of purchasing, or attempting to purchase, alcoholic beverages may have his or her driver’s license suspended.

Specific questions and comments regarding campus regulations and alcohol-related events should be addressed to the dean of students.

Campbell Student Union Decoration Policy

Student groups are permitted to decorate the event space to make it suit the needs of the organizations. Decorations and other items displayed within the space should not create a health, safety, or sanitation hazard within the space.  Campbell Student Union staff has the right to ask a group to remove any décor that poses a health, safety, or sanitation hazard or that violates college policy.

The following are PROHIBITED in the Campbell Student Union:

  • Glue, spray adhesive, any tape (with the exception of blue painter’s tape), or any other type of adhesive on walls or doors.
  • Spray paint, tie-dye, or any other permanent paint products
  • Open flames (lit candles, food warmers, etc. must have prior approval of CSU Management)
  • Loose glitter, sand, straw, confetti etc. and fabrics covered in such material
  • Balloons filled with glitter, confetti, etc.
  • Baby power, baby oil, body glitter, whipped cream, shaving cream, or any other product that could cause a mess or slippery floor conditions


  • Only painter’s tape is permitted; no duct tape, spray adhesive or other glues are allowed.
  • Materials must be removed from the wall, tables, or bulletin board at the end of the reservation. All adhesive residues must be removed.
  • Groups are not permitted to affix any decorations (balloons, garland, etc.) to any handrails in the building. 

Smoke or Fog

Buffalo State has a smoke and fog policy with specific guidelines and protocols.

Walls, Fixtures and Floors

  • The walls, windows, doors, floors, ceiling, and any fixtures of the room are college property. At no time shall a group alter, remove, or damage these components.
  • Painting any surface is strictly prohibited.
  • Floors shall not be covered with any material that is not rated for use on a floor (i.e. table covers will not be permitted as floor covering as there is a significant tripping hazard). 
  • All groups are responsible for a clean-up after any event (sweeping floors, mopping any excessive stains, changing and taking out garbage, etc.). Materials left after an organization has left the event space will be disposed of and the organization could be subject to a cleaning fee.

Commercial Activity/Solicitation Policy

All on-campus and off-campus entities are required to adhere to Buffalo State's Commercial Use Policy. 

Revenue generating activities by outside organizations within the Student Union Building are strictly prohibited under guidelines for commercial activities established by the college. However, under certain conditions bona fide student organizations of Buffalo State may sell commercial items and sponsor services for the exchange of revenue. All revenue generating activities by outside organizations must adhere to the following:

  • Sponsored commercial activity will occur during a specific time each semester.
  • All revenues generated must be used for the betterment of the student organization.
  • An individual may not receive personal gain.
  • All recognized groups/organizations desiring to sponsor commercial revenue generating activities in the Student Union must secure the approval of Student Leadership and Engagement and/or Financial Management.

All such requests shall be made in writing and shall contain, but not limited to, the following items of information:

  • Nature, purpose, and duration of the activity
  • Identification of student organization sponsors and any and all others involved in a major way in the conduct of the activity, including name, title, address, telephone number.
  • An estimate of expenses and projection of revenues
  • Cash control procedures to be employed
  • Identification of require/desired facilities 

A representative of student organization must be present at all times during the activity. The area of activity must be clearly identified with the sponsoring organizations name and purpose of the activity. All net income shall be used for the support of programs and activities of the student organization. An individual of the sponsoring organization may not receive personal gain.  

All revenue generating activities must not only comply with the Commercial Guidelines, but must also follow any applicable United Students’ Government regulations, federal, state or local laws related to business operations, and meet health and safety standards. All commercial vendors must have a copy of their NYS Tax Certificate on file with the Student Leadership & Engagement Office. Additionally, this certificate must be on display at the vending location. 

Commercial vendors offering services must donate funds to the sponsoring student organization. The first two weeks of each semester shall be a grace period for commercial vendors offering services without student organization sponsorship on a space available basis.

Credit card solicitations are prohibited on the Buffalo State Campus. No group, student or off campus, is allowed to approach any individual in the building to offer services, programs, or attempt to sell any items or services as this is considered soliciting. All groups are to be stationed at a table at all times. 

Events in the Social Hall, Assembly Hall, and use of the entire upper/lower lobby areas will require at least 30 days' notice and an event planning meeting at least 15 days prior to your event with Student Leadership and Engagement.

Space requests for tabling and the 4th floor conference rooms should be completed at least 7 days before your event for adequate processing time.

To ensure the health and safety of our campus community, Student Leadership and Engagement reserves the right to place additional risk management measures on a space request. 

Misrepresentation of a space request, underreporting estimated attendance, and/or last-minute changes that have not been vetted by Student Leadership and Engagement may result in the postponement and/or cancellation of an event. The issue will also be taken into consideration when the organization requests future space in the Campbell Student Union.

The Campbell Student Union will accept space requests as early as 9 months prior to an event. Space requests can be made by completing the space request form.