Greek Life at Buffalo State
Greek Life
Greek Life at Buffalo State is dedicated to enhancing the development of students through membership in our Greek organizations. Each fraternity and sorority offer students an opportunity to be part of a close-knit community that promotes leadership, service, and academic excellence. Our staff supports initiatives dedicated to scholarship, service, community advocacy, philanthropy, safety and wellness.
All recognized Greek-letter organizations are required by the university to abide by the Code of Conduct, the Recognition and Governance Policies, and the New York State Anti-Hazing laws. All Greek organizations are supported by the Greek President's Council (GPC).
We welcome you to explore the possibilities of being part of Greek Life here at Buffalo State!
Greek Life (Fraternities and Sororities)
Greek Life Quick Links
Recruitment Calendar 2024-25
Looking for an opportunity to get involved with Greek Life here at Buffalo State? We have a wide array of recruitment events available to you!
Recruitment Calendar 24-25Greek Week 24-25
Our office hosts numerous programs during Greek Week, including Pie-a-Prez, a picture day, and more!
Greek Week 24-25Greek Life Resources
Need to locate a recruitment or advising form? Our office provides all the necessary materials to help you get involved with Greek Life.
Greek Life Forms and Resources