Bengals After Dark Programming
Bengals After Dark is a series of free late-night programs that are offered to all Buffalo State students! These events are a great way to meet other students and have a chance to learn about other engagement opportunities on campus. Some of our past events include Laser Tag, Hypnotists, Trivia night, Open Mic Night in The Pit, crafts, and much more!
Find the upcoming event schedule for the Fall below! This schedule will be updated regularly.
Bengals After Dark Event Schedule

Open Mic & Karaoke Night | 1/29/2025
7:00pm - 9:00pm, Student Union Lobby
Swing by the Student Union and show off your talents!

Grocery Bingo | 1/31/2025
6:00pm - 8:00pm, Social Hall
SLE, USG and Student Care and Support are teaming up to host a grocery bingo! Come out to the Social Hall and win some yummy prizes!

Casino Game Night Extravaganza | 2/26/205
6-8:30pm, Social & Assembly Halls
Come to the Union for an evening full of all things games - from Casino games like Black Jack and Poker to lawn games!

Greek Talent Show | 3/15/2025
6:00pm - 8:00pm, Social Hall
SLE and Alpha Epsilon Phi are teaming up to host a Greek-themed talent show featuring some of our student performers!

Pride Week: Queer Film Night | 4/14/2025
6:00pm - 9:00pm, Student Union Assembly Hall
Film TBD.

Pride Week: Queer Panel | 4/16/2025
7:00pm - 8:30pm, Assembly Hall
Come engage in an educational conversation about LGBTQ+ issues with our panelists.

Pride Week: Drag Show | 4/18/2025
5:00pm - 9:00pm, Social Hall
Come out to the Social Hall for our annual drag show and witness performances you won't want to miss!