Greek Life Policy
Policy Statement
Recognition by Buffalo State University allows Greek Letter Organizations to identify an affiliation with the institution. This includes use of the University name and logo, designated services and facilities, recruitment of Buffalo State students on and off campus, fundraising, and space reservation. In addition, all recognized Buffalo State fraternities and sororities are expected to comply with campus Student Code of Conduct, policies and procedures, rules and regulations, as well as federal, state, and local laws. Recognition does not imply Buffalo State endorsement of the positions and views of the organization, nor does the University assume sponsorship of, or responsibility for, any of the activities of the group on and off property of the University.
Greek Life Definitions
A member of a Greek Letter Organization who is currently enrolled at Buffalo State University, maintains good academic standing, and fulfills all membership obligations as outlined by the organization and University policies.
Buffalo State Faculty/Staff or Local Advisor:
- All Greek-letter organizations are required to have a Buffalo State faculty/staff advisor, or any member of the organization can serve in lieu of a faculty/staff advisor.
- The local advisor must live locally in the Buffalo (WNY region), be endorsed formally by the National/Regional office of the Greek-letter organization, with official letterhead, and must show proof that they are active and financial both nationally and locally.
Graduate Assistants:
- Graduate Assistants can be advisors, with the approval, and under the supervision, of their supervisor.
National/Regional Advisor:
- Must be endorsed formally by the National/Regional office of the Greek-letter organization, with official letterhead.
- Must show proof that they are active and financial both nationally and locally.
The recognizing higher education institution of Greek-letter organizations and a member of the State University of New York (SUNY) system.
The individual on the receiving end of alleged violations of the Greek Life Recognition Policy or related University policies.
Male-identifying Greek Letter Organizations officially recognized by Buffalo State University.
Fraternities and sororities officially recognized by Buffalo State University, also referred to as GLOs, which adhere to the University’s standards, policies, and expectations.
Derived from the SUNY Student Conduct Institute Stop Campus Hazing Act: “Any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a person (whether individually or in concert with other persons) against another person of persons regardless of the willingness of such other person or persons to participate, that -
is committed in the course of an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in, a student organization; and ii. causes or creates a risk, above the reasonable risk encountered in the course of participation in the institution of higher education or the organization (such as the physical preparation necessary for participation in an athletic team), of physical or psychological injury including -
a. whipping, beating, striking, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on someone’s body, or similar activity;
b. causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, extreme calisthenics, or other similar activity;
c. causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing another person to consume food, liquid, alcohol, drugs, or other substances;
d. causing, coercing, or otherwise inducing another person to perform sexual acts; ee. any activity that places another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words or conduct;
e. any activity against another person that includes a criminal violation of local, State, Tribal, or Federal law; and
f. any activity that induces, causes, or requires another person to perform a duty or task that involves a criminal violation of local, State, Tribal, or Federal law.”
A formal agreement outlining expectations and approvals for city-wide chapter affiliations between Buffalo State University and other institutions within the designated charter.
A student who has accepted an invitation to join a Greek-letter organization and is actively participating in the organization’s new member education process.
A student expressing interest in joining a Greek-letter organization and meeting the initial eligibility requirements, including attendance at a Greek Interest Meeting.
Recognition is the formal process by which Buffalo State University agrees that a Greek Letter Organization (GLO), as known as a social fraternities or sororities, may function on campus, enroll members, and identify with the University.
Structured events and initiatives by Greek-letter organizations to identify and attract prospective new members while adhering to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement’s recruitment protocols and calendars.
Individuals of Greek-letter organizations accused of violating the Greek Life Recognition Policy or other University regulations.
Female-identifying Greek-letter organizations officially recognized by Buffalo State University.
An individual currently enrolled at Buffalo State University, meeting the eligibility criteria for academic and extracurricular participation.
Derived from the SUNY Student Conduct Institute Stop Campus Hazing Act: “an organization at an institution of higher education (such as a club, society, association, varsity or junior varsity athletic team, club sports team, fraternity, sorority, band, or student government) in which two or more of the members are students enrolled at the institution of higher education, whether or not the organization is established or recognized by the institution”.
I. Institutional Recognition
Provisional Recognition and Requirements
Provisional recognition provides for limited organizational activities during the fall and spring semesters. All applications must be submitted to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, specifically the Director or, a designee, via Bengal Connect.
- Complete the Application for Greek Life Provisional Recognition through Student Leadership and Engagement via Bengal Connect.
- A letter from a regional/national office stating the group’s goals and purposes. This should include a statement explaining the reason and justification for why the group is needed by students and the Buffalo State community.
- Submit a constitution for the Fraternity or Sorority to Student Leadership and Engagement for review and approval.
- A copy of insurance policy/description of coverage.
- After one semester of Provisional Recognition, the organization is to provide a list of students who expressed continued interest in joining the organization. This list should include the student’s full name, Buffalo State Banner ID number, Buffalo State email, class year, local address, and telephone number. (Please see template provided by Student Leadership and Engagement). An updated copy of the list must be provided to Student Leadership and Engagement at the beginning of each semester.
- The name of a Buffalo State full-time faculty/staff or local member that will serve as an advisor to the organization upon receiving full recognition. Organizations that are without a faculty/staff/local advisor can receive assistance through the Student Leadership and Engagement Office.
A meeting with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, specifically, the Director or another designee, is required following submission of the application for provisional recognition. After the meeting, they may then move forward with approving or denying the application. If approved, provisional recognition shall be granted on a semester-to-semester basis, and all appropriate governing bodies will be notified of the decision. If denied, a group may reapply in subsequent semesters.
- The University acknowledges the organization is provisionally affiliated with Buffalo State.
- Use of the University’s name to indicate the location of the organization.
- Space reservation on campus: Registered clubs and organizations are eligible to reserve space in the Campbell Student Union, Butler Library, Academic Buildings, Recreation Fields, and the Houston Gym and Sports Arena.
- Attendance at meetings of appropriate governing bodies is required. Provisionally recognized organizations do not have a voice or vote at these meetings. Participation in governing organization activities shall be by invitation only.
- Provisionally recognized organizations MAY NOT rush, pledge, fundraise, or hold events outside of the approved semester unless an extension of provisional status has been granted by Student Leadership & Engagement.
At the end of the provisional recognition period each semester, an extension of provisional status OR request for full recognition will be reviewed by the Student Leadership & Engagement Office. Provisional recognition will be approved on a semester-to-semester basis, and organizations will be eligible for an extension for up to 4 academic semesters. Provisional recognition status of a Greek Letter Organization can be terminated upon review from the Student Leadership & Engagement Office.
Full Recognition and Requirements
Full recognition is granted on an annual basis. The Application for Full Recognition must be submitted to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, specifically, the Director, or a designee via Bengal Connect.
- Complete the Application for Greek Life Full Recognition through Student Leadership and Engagement via Bengal Connect.
- A letter from the national/regional office submitted to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement specifically, the Director or another designee, confirming that the organization is pursuing a Charter at Buffalo State, which will be granted if all requirements are met.
- A copy of the insurance policy/description of coverage.
- Submit an outline of community service, scholarship, and social activities undertaken during the period of provisional recognition as well as plans for the future.
- A current complete roster of at least five (5) names serving as active members within the organization. This list should include the student’s full name, Buffalo State Banner ID number, Buffalo State email, local address, class year, telephone number. (Please see template provided by Student Leadership and Engagement).
- A list of students who are serving as the executive board for the proposed fraternity or sorority. This includes a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Organization Representative (these individuals count toward the 5-member minimum). All executive board members must be registered as full-time (12 credits), matriculated Buffalo State students.
- Submit an up-to-date constitution for the proposed fraternity or sorority to Student Leadership and Engagement for review and approval.
- Have a designated Advisor who is a full-time Buffalo State faculty/staff member or local advisor that supports the mission of the proposed organization. All Advisors must complete the Advisor Agreement Form prior to an organization becoming recognized.
A meeting with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, specifically the Director or another designee, is required following submission of the application. After the meeting, they may then move forward with approving or denying the application for full recognition and will notify the appropriate governing bodies of the decision.
- The University acknowledges the student organization as an affiliated entity.
- Use of the University’s name to indicate the location of the organization.
- Use of the University’s logo and identity marks. Please refer to the University’s rules and regulations on trademarks and licensing:
- Space Reservation on campus: Registered clubs and organizations are eligible to reserve space in the Campbell Student Union, Butler Library, Academic Buildings, Recreation Fields, and the Houston Gym and Sports Arena.
Re-Recognition Process for Fraternities and Sororities
- Complete the Buffalo State Re-Recognition process for all Greek Letter Organizations through Student Leadership and Engagement via Bengal Connect.
- Provide an updated active membership roster of at least five (5) Buffalo State students, including the newly elected executive board (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Student Organization Representative) for the upcoming academic year. All executive board members must be registered as full-time (12 credits), matriculated Buffalo State students.
Bengal Connect Roster Requirement: Greek Letter Organizations will keep an active and updated Bengal Connect page with an up-to-date official roster.
- Submit the GLO’s most recent constitution and by-laws.
- Submit an updated Advisor Agreement Form. Greek Letter Organization advisors must be a full-time Buffalo State faculty/staff member or local advisor and approved by the SLE office.
- If applicable, submit a letter from the national/regional office indicating the current good standing of the organization.
All fraternities and sororities will be required to attend the mandatory annual meeting with Student Leadership and Engagement to be trained on Buffalo State policies and procedures. This meeting will occur in the first few weeks of the academic year. Each Greek Letter Organization will be required to send at least one representative to this meeting. Failure to do so may result in the following:
- All current space reservations will be placed on hold.
- Unable to reserve future space in the Campbell Student Union, Butler Library, Academic Buildings, Recreation Fields, and the Houston Gym and Sports Arena.
Probationary Status
Probationary recognition status entails a conditional withdrawal of certain University services or benefits and/or application of specific sanctions/requirements by the University to the chapter for a specified period. This status may be imposed as a result of actions taken by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement specifically, the Director or another designee, campus Greek governing bodies, the University Judicial System and the organization’s national/regional office.
Rebuild Status
Greek Letter Organizations that have less than three (3) Buffalo State students as members will be classified under a rebuild status recognition. Chapters will have the option of participating in a rebuilding phase if their active membership is low enough that the chapter has trouble meeting their requirements. Rebuilding chapters will be listed on all Greek Life publications and still active on the Greek President’s Council. They will be allowed to reserve space on campus for meetings and recruitment events.
Rebuild Greek Letter Organizations will be responsible for the following:
- Developing a recruitment plan with the assistance of their national/regional/local advisor and their chapter advisor. This plan is to be submitted to Student Leadership and Engagement for review. All active members of the organization will sign the form to indicate they agree with the plan and that they will participate in the rebuilding phase.
- Members of the chapter will maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.
- Chapter members will meet with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, specifically the Director or another designee, once a month to discuss and implement their chapter action plan.
- The chapter will host at least three (3) events on campus each semester.
- The chapter will be required to attend Meet the Greeks, send one (1) representative to each Greek Member Interest Meeting, National Hazing Prevention Week activities, and Greek Week.
Inactive Chapters
Buffalo State only chapters that have no active undergraduate members on campus will be considered inactive. With the approval of Student Leadership and Engagement, chapters can participate in events on campus in conjunction with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, specifically the Director or another designee, to try to increase their membership. If the chapter does not increase membership within two (2) years, the organization’s University recognition will be revoked. Reinstatement requires the organization to apply for Buffalo State’s Provisional Recognition Status.
City-Wide Chapter Status
As of the Fall 2024 semester, the Student Leadership and Engagement office at Buffalo State University recognizes fraternity and sorority chapters who are chartered as a city-wide chapter. The chapters (whether seeking recognition or already recognized) must meet the minimum expectations and maintain the minimum standards established by the Student Leadership and Engagement Office, as defined in Section I. A, B, and C.
Additional to the requirements for recognition, fraternity and sorority chapters must provide the Student Leadership and Engagement office with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), detailing acknowledgement and approval from all colleges and universities that are included within the city-wide charter. To view a sample of a MOU, please [CLICK HERE].
II. Withdrawal of Recognition
A. Interim
“Interim” is imposed for a set period during which all activities of the chapter are suspended, and chapter privileges are revoked. This action may be taken immediately following:
- failing to comply with a request or directive from the office of Student Leadership and Engagement;
- allegations of hazing or pending investigations of incidents involving physical injury;
- or other violations of the University’s Student Code of Conduct, Policy or Procedures, and/or Federal, State, or Local law.
Failure to comply with an interim status and/or attempt to remedy the interim status within five (5) business days from notice by the office of Student Leadership and Engagement may result in a referral to the office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
If recognition is restored after suspension, the chapter will be given provisional recognition for one year.
B. Termination
Upon termination of recognition, all chapter operations must cease. All campus privileges and University permission for the chapter to function are revoked. Upon withdrawal of recognition, the chapter shall be ineligible to reapply for recognition for five (5) years unless this requirement is waived by the Vice-President for Student Affairs.
Current individual members registered at Buffalo State could face campus disciplinary action for failure to comply with termination of recognition.
Should recognition be restored after termination of recognition, the chapter will initially be granted Provisional Recognition for one year.
III. Membership, Intake, New Member Education Requirements, and Roster Requirements
A. Membership
- Membership in organizations shall be determined locally.
- Members will be admitted in compliance with the SUNY Board of Trustees and Buffalo State’s non-discriminatory policy, although chapters may be single sex under Title IX.
All students interested in joining a Greek Letter Organization must meet certain criteria prior to the start of the new member education/intake process.
a. Be at least a second-semester freshman with 12 completed University credits
b. Be registered as a full-time student at Buffalo State
c. Have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA and in good academic standing.
d. Deemed eligible for membership by the recognized Greek Letter Organization
B. Greek Interest Meeting Requirement
All students interested in joining a Greek Letter Organization must attend one of the Greek Interest Meetings sponsored by Buffalo State at the beginning of each semester and prior to the start of new member activities.
C. Recruitment and New Member Education/Intake
- All Buffalo State recognized Greek Letter Organizations must adhere to the Recruitment and Intake/New Member Education Protocols issued by the Student Leadership and Engagement Office.
- All Buffalo State recognized Greek Letter Organizations must adhere to the recruitment calendar issued by the Student Leadership and Engagement Office. This will be communicated by June 1st for the Fall Semester and by December 1st for the Spring Semester.
- Intake and new member education periods will be designated annually by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement specifically, the Director or another designee. All new member/membership intake activities (including campus introductions/new member reveal) must last no more than six (6) weeks and are completed three (3) weeks prior to the last day of classes for both the fall and spring semesters.
- No recruitment activities are allowed to take place during University-sponsored breaks, including, but not limited to, federal and state holidays, summer break, and winter break.
- All prospective new members and the members of each organization responsible for intake and new member activities must attend the Greek Life Interest Meeting each semester prior to the new member education activities.
All intake/new member education activities must be in compliance with the New York State Anti-Hazing Law. It is the responsibility of each organization and each member to:
a. understand the law and University policy;
b. adopt and implement healthy and constructive new member education programs.
- If you do receive a bid from a Greek Letter Organization, but you choose not to accept that bid, you understand that you are NOT eligible to join any other Greek Letter Organization on this campus for one full year (*For National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) organizations, please refer to the NPC guidelines for recruitment listed on the MRABA)
D. Current Rosters
- Each Greek Letter Organization must submit and keep up to date a list of active members, officers, and new members at the beginning of each semester. Lists will include phone numbers, school email, position in the chapter, physical address, and graduation month and year for each member.
- Chapter Presidents and/or executive board members are required to send this information to Student Leadership and Engagement and update it on the organization’s Bengal Connect page by the end of the first week of classes each semester.
- Each Greek Letter Organization must submit the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of all chapter advisors and their regional/national contacts to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement specifically, the Director or another designee, by the end of the first week of classes each semester.
- Resignation or termination of chapter advisors must be reported to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement specifically, the Director or another designee, immediately.
- Chapters that do not complete this requirement will be placed on interim status until all requirements are met.
IV. Additional Expectations and Requirements
- All Greek Letter Organization’s President will serve as a member of the Greek President’s Council (GPC). If the President is unavailable to attend these meetings, a designee needs to be appointed by the President. This will need to be communicated immediately to the Student Leadership and Engagement Office.
- If there are no undergraduate or graduate members, the organization's expansion representative needs to attend.
- If no representative is able to attend, the Student Leadership and Engagement Office needs to be notified at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. With the notification of absence, organizational updates will also need to be sent. A representative from the Student Leadership and Engagement Office will share those updates with the rest of the council.
- An organization that fails to have a representative in attendance with no communication will immediately be placed on interim status until the organization meets with the Director, or a designee from the Student Leadership and Engagement Office.
By agreeing to be a recognized active member of a Greek Letter Organization at Buffalo State University you agree to have the Student Leadership and Engagement Office notify your organization’s regional and national office of the status of your eligibility check and any required plan of action. This includes notification of your GPA (both semester and overall).
- Bengal Connect: All Greek Letter Organizations recognized at Buffalo State are required to have an active Bengal Connect page with an official up-to-date roster at all times. Every event is required to be posted on Bengal Connect. All event attendance must be tracked through Bengal Connect using the Check-In app.
- Events: All Greek Letter Organizations recognized at Buffalo State are required to host three (3) events per semester. One (1) event will be hosted individually by the GLO, one (1) event will be hosted in collaboration with another GLO, and one (1) event will be in collaboration through the GPC.
- End of Semester Reports: All Greek Letter Organizations recognized at Buffalo State are required to meet with the Director, or a designee from the Student Leadership and Engagement office at the end of every semester and provide them with an End of Semester Report. Please visit the Resources tab for a full outline of what the report must include.
National Hazing Prevention Week (NPHW) is officially held the last full week of September each year. The Student Leadership and Engagement office hosts five (5) events throughout the week. All Greek Letter Organizations recognized at Buffalo State are required to attend at least three (3) out of the five (5) events. An organization that fails to meet this requirement will immediately be placed on suspension until the organization meets with the Director, or a designee from the Student Leadership and Engagement Office. Please visit the National Hazing Prevention Week tab for more information about events.
Every year the Student Leadership and Engagement Office hosts a Greek Week in the Spring semester for all Greek Letter Organizations recognized at Buffalo State. The Student Leadership and Engagement office hosts five (5) events throughout the week. All Greek Letter Organizations recognized at Buffalo State are required to attend at least three (3) out of the five (5) events. An organization that fails to meet this requirement will immediately be placed on interim status until the organization meets with the Director, or a designee from the Student Leadership and Engagement Office. Please visit the Greek Week tab for more information about events.
- All Greek Letter Organizations to be considered for University recognition beyond August 2022 must be affiliated with a national Greek Letter Organization.
- All men's fraternities who are members of the National Interfraternity Council will follow the National Interfraternity (NIC) guidelines and policies and their individual national headquarters guidelines and policies.
- All women’s sororities who are members of the National Panhellenic Conference will follow National Panhellenic (NPC) guidelines and policies and their individual national headquarters guidelines and policies.
- All men’s and women’s Greek Letter Organizations who are members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council will follow National Pan-Hellenic (NPHC) guidelines and policies and their individual national headquarters guidelines and policies.
- All men's and women's Greek Letter Organizations who are members of the National Multicultural Greek Council will follow National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC) guidelines and policies and their individual national headquarters guidelines and policies.
- All men's and women's Greek Letter Organizations who are members of the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations will follow National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO) guidelines and policies and their individual national headquarters guidelines and policies.